
SynologySSLVPNisaVPNservicethatsupportsSSL/TLSauthenticationandencryption.ItoffersfastandsecureVPNaccesstowebpages,files,and ...,前往SRM>VPNPlusServer>SynologyVPN>WebVPN。·按一下URL以存取VPNPlus網頁入口。5.png·以SRM帳號密碼登入。·按一下左側面板的WebVPN。,SynologySSLVPN.SynologySSLVPN為支援SSL/TLS驗證及加密的VPN服務。此服務提供快速、安全的SSLVPN連線,可用來存取網際網路及區域網路內的網...

Synology SSL VPN

Synology SSL VPN is a VPN service that supports SSL/TLS authentication and encryption. It offers fast and secure VPN access to web pages, files, and ...

如何透過Windows 電腦連線至VPN Plus Server?

前往SRM > VPN Plus Server > Synology VPN > WebVPN。 · 按一下URL 以存取VPN Plus 網頁入口。 5.png · 以SRM 帳號密碼登入。 · 按一下左側面板的WebVPN。

Synology SSL VPN | VPN Plus Server

Synology SSL VPN. Synology SSL VPN 為支援SSL / TLS 驗證及加密的VPN 服務。此服務提供快速、安全的SSL VPN 連線,可用來存取網際網路及區域網路內的網頁、檔案、應用 ...

Synology SSL VPN Client

This article demonstrates how to connect to your VPN Plus Server using Windows 11 and 10. If you want to connect to the VPN Server on a Synology NAS, refer to ...

Free client VPN access licenses

Each Client VPN Access License allows one concurrent user account to use Synology SSL VPN, WebVPN, and SSTP, and is permanently valid upon activation.

Release Notes for Synology SSL VPN Client

Synology SSL VPN Client allows easy access to Internet and local network resources via the Synology SSL VPN service powered by VPN Plus Server. Version. All ...

Remote work made easy with VPN Plus

Set up a powerful VPN server on your Synology router with minimal effort and provide stable, fast connections to remote employees at any time of day.

免費用戶端VPN 存取授權

每個用戶端VPN 存取授權可讓一個授權使用者同時使用Synology SSL VPN、WebVPN 和SSTP 存取服務,授權一經啟動即永久有效。只要您的Synology Router 產品支援VPN Plus,即可 ...

發行資訊: Synology SSL VPN Client

版本: 1.3.6-0454 · VPN Plus Client 1.3.6-0454 支援VPN Plus Server 1.3.6-0454 或以上版本。 · SSL VPN Client 現已支援64 bit,且不再相容於32 bit 環境。

How to Deploy a Virtual Office Using VPN Plus Server

It provides efficient and easy-to-use Synology SSL VPN and WebVPN service that can be used without installing additional client software. In ...